Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Competency Based Training approaches

Today in CBT module of DACE we had a perfect facilitation session with Mr Rhonny.  As I have never worked with civil agencies, I have not experience in WSQ frame work. How ever participating in various learning activities with my classmates who have a lot of experience with WSQ helped me to understand basics of WSQ system.
WSQ is a powerful business tool for employers to recruit and maintain a skilled workforce, thus enhancing their competitive edge and advancing their businesses. WSQ can benefit employers in the following ways:
  • Benchmark best practices
  • Guide development of job descriptions
  • Improve performance management systems and training programmes
  • Establish employees' career paths
  • Guide training needs analysis
  • Facilitate recruitment of competent staff equipped with required occupational and industry capabilities
  • Strengthen in-house training capabilities
There are 33 Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) frameworks. Each framework is recognised by the respective industry
For each framework, an Industry Skills and Training Council drives the development and validation of skills standards, assessment strategies and training curriculum for the industry
Each council comprises key industry partners, including employers, industry associations, training organisations and unions.
Revisiting the WSQ frame work and recalling ACTA CU1 was really helpful. It helped in various activities to apply one of three Training pathways Facilitated Classroom Learning(FL), On Job Training(OJT) and E-Learning(EL). We also recalled on six level and seven qualifications in WSQ system.

Mr Rhonny brought in activities to understand National Training System (NTS) by comparing it against other countries such as Germany, UK and Australia.

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