Saturday, July 20, 2013

Brookfield’s four lenses of reflection

One of the sessions I enjoyed on first day group discussion was on brookfield’s approach of Critical Reflection. In it consider the environment which impact adult educators. He uses four reflective lenses to explain it.
1. Our autobiographies as adult educators and learners
2. Learner’s perspectives
3. Peers experiences
4. Theoretical

Among these three lenses, what impact me the most is peers experience. It connects my own experience back in 2002 when I joined Singapore as an instructor in navy. Cultural and language difference was a prime hindrance in my development in my lectures. I am so grateful to my two Singaporean colleagues who spend their valuable time in my class and helped me my blind spots in language, slang and terms usage.

I wish to use peers experiences and learner’s perspective lenses in my learning reflection.

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