Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 3 (AL)

I am trying to spent more time reading some of the notes in LG ( Reflective Practice and adult Learning) in the last two weeks trying to understand more. I believe it will help to improve my reading habit and comprehend some part of the content.
Moving towards 2nd module of DACE I realize there is a big difference in this diploma program from other course I did in the past few years. Here I have to pick up and progress my reflection on what I have done and re-reflect on what I have reflected. Here my mind is compelled to think and be creative to keep up with many high caliber course mates. I would call it as creative stress in my learning journey.  I would like to highlight the decision to join in the learning journey was a critical incident in my lifelong learning.
On 20th July 1st day of AL I have experienced a meaningful day with new information to me. Let me jote down some of them below:
 Knowle’s comparison between Andragogy and Pedagogy
According to Knowles Pedagogy focuses on the child as a learner. Whereas Andragogy is “art and science of helping adults to learn”
It was very interesting to learn this comparison through MORSE. Learning depends on the following characteristics of learner:
Orientation to learn
Readiness to learning

Three Dimension of Learning Model (TDLM)
It provides a useful perspective on how the three dimensions interact to produce effective learning in the individual:
·   Cognitive: which involves giving meaning to facts, events and experiences
·  Sociality: where learning is a social interactional process between individual and surroundings
·  Emotion: Learning is an emotional or psychological statesas per one’s feelings, emotions, attitudes and motivation

Adult Learning Theories and approaches for adult Learning

Dr Yin greeted and welcomed us with warm and pleasant into next module of DACE Incorporte Adult Learning Theories and approaches for adult Learning(AL).

We have strted with an group activity of learning new language by passing few items blind folded. The learning objective of this game was to make us think what hinder us from learning during this short game. They were Stress, Fear, complexities, loud music etc…. In my view that game was well connected into the lesson of the day.

Thereafter Dr Yin moved into make us understand the continuation or link between ACTA modules and DACE by a nice pictorial explanation. I think it was a nice way to put into every learners mind well.

We learned two out of four chapters or steps using Adult learning Theories of this module. Describe the adult Learners and Assess impact of environmental factors on learning

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Applying David Kolb’s Experiential Learning in Reflection

We did a good learning activity using Kolb’s experiential learning theory in reflection. It explain the following four stages of learning:
1.      Concrete Experience
2.      Reflective Observation
3.      Abstract Conceptualisation
4.      Active Experimentation

Towards the end of the day, I have set my core values in this professional development journey in DACE.
1.      Learn from everyone, anytime and anywhere
2.      Be self-driven and motivated
3.      Lead by example
4.      Keep current with trends
5.      Make learning simple and purposeful
6.      Adapt and respect others knowledge and tap them

Single and double loop reflection

It was interesting and new for me to learn Schon’s Single and double-loop reflection. In fact I do this reflection very often by not knowing it.

Single-loop reflection is asking question “Am I doing the right thing?” when something goes wrong or feel it so. And immediately addressing the issue and finding an alternate option to resolve it by being in the governing variables.

Whereas double-loop reflection, is higher level form of reflection that recognizes that action and consequences in the first loop may not valid and needed a question and close inspection of governing variables. In double-loo, educators may examine and reflect on the the theory or perspective in use. By altering the governing variables one  can achieve a shift in the way which strategies and consequences framed.

Brookfield’s four lenses of reflection

One of the sessions I enjoyed on first day group discussion was on brookfield’s approach of Critical Reflection. In it consider the environment which impact adult educators. He uses four reflective lenses to explain it.
1. Our autobiographies as adult educators and learners
2. Learner’s perspectives
3. Peers experiences
4. Theoretical

Among these three lenses, what impact me the most is peers experience. It connects my own experience back in 2002 when I joined Singapore as an instructor in navy. Cultural and language difference was a prime hindrance in my development in my lectures. I am so grateful to my two Singaporean colleagues who spend their valuable time in my class and helped me my blind spots in language, slang and terms usage.

I wish to use peers experiences and learner’s perspective lenses in my learning reflection.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How far will you go in ten minutes?

What a hooking question to start a reflective journal.
It was 6th July 2013 Saturday. After a week of having burned down in hot weather in NDU, I was at IAL for my first day of DACE (Diploma in Adult Education and Continuing Education) programme. I chose this new learning journey as part of my lifelong learning.
After an icebreaking, Mrs kala started her first day of modue 1 develop practice through Reflection(RP). I was amazed with her skill in storytelling and  transferring the knowledge through stories.  Kala was sharing her experience in a temple during her visit where a temple watchman asked the foresaid question when she was rushing before prayer starts.
Lecture was on Reflection-in-Action’ and ‘Reflection-on-Action’. That story linked so nicely to the content of lesson. It talk about how an event trigger your thinking and cause reflection in action and on action.
Reflection was not new to me as I do it in a structured manner in my Navy training school where I work. Every day twenty minutes in the morning my learners write few lines about previous day and share them the class even though many of them did not like to do it. I do reflect on my personal experiences at the end of the day in my dairy and I enjoy going through those pages once in a while.
Today from the first day of DACE I realise that  'true learning' comes from ‘reflective learning’ and it can make  learning more meaningful towards professional and personal development.  This module (RP) convinces me the importance of reflective learning through regular practice
Take away from 1st day of DACE  is the concepts of ‘Reflection-in-Action’ and ‘Reflection-on-Action’.  I have learned how to take prompt corrective measures in my action and adapt long term measures by listening to my beliefs and values through reflection on-action.

Hi Everyone,
Welcome to my learning journey. I am inspired to create this bolg to record my learning journey at IAL.