Friday, August 9, 2013

Use of flipchart and powerpoint slide in facilitation

I was volunteered myself to do my first facilitation record on the day 1 of our C6 FAL on 3 August 2013 of our DACE. I was prepared for it even though it was too early and before I could  pick some effective skill  from Mrs Constance Lee.
I did a 15 minutes session in 17 min which was not bad in my presentation/facilitation skill. I have prepared Power point slides, flip chart and some life jackets for my leaners to have an experience. Unfortunately at the end of my 17 min facilitation, I was shocked to realize that I did not use my flip chart which was prepared to display.
I had a shock to discover from the learner’s guide and lecturer  that Adult Educators must use flipchart and powerpoint slides in facilitating adult learning. Is it really important to use both Flipchart and Powerpoint Slides in facilitating adult learning ?
As per assessment criteria we were given the impression that we would be graded ‘NYC’ (No Yet Competent) if we failed to use both of these training aids in facilitating adult learning.
I saw a lot of discussion on this matter on Facebook. The discussion revolved around the ‘seemingly mandatory’ requirements against the backdrop of increasingly complexity of current level of technology, changing demographic profile of the learners, learners’ expectations as well as learning styles.
Should I conclude my previous training session with navy is failures as per this new set of adult Learning concept?   I had never used flipchart and power point slides in experiential activities in my outdoor training sessions, especially boat work or deck work.  
Does it mean that I was not effective in facilitating adult learning then ? I agree that I could had been increasingly effective using flipchart when I conducted outdoor activities for adult learners.  In my view, it would be technically feasible to bring along a flipchart for outdoor experiential activities though it would require additional resources and time.
I think I would be asking myself two questions if I had to conduct outdoor experiential learning activities in future: could I and would I bring along flipchart and powerpoint slides ?, what other tools would help me facilitate adult learning as equally well as flipchart and powerpoint slides ?

I am determined to use flip chart as well as powerpoint slides in my second session which I should restrict in to 13 minutes .

Incorporate Kolb's Experiential Learning theory with Gagne's 9 events

I was conducting lectures and practical training sessions all the way since last few years. Unknowingly I have done some sort of experiential learning in my sessions. However applying various learning theories deliberately was not something familiar to me. I am going to try Gagne’s 9 events model incorporate with Kolbs Experiential Learning in my next FAL module. 

As per lesson learned from Dr Yin is while applying EL in training session, must do 3 events first ie; Gaining attention, Inform learning Outcome and Recapping prior learning before EL cycle: Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualisation and Active Experimentation.
Towards consolidation, consider events 8 and 9 ie; Assess learning and Enhance Retention.
I would consider this change in my mind as an important milestone in my learning and training journey.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 4 (AL)

Collecting Data
Every learner is unique with his or her strength and weakness. Identifying strength and weakness can be done through three common techniques.
1. Questioning
2. Survey
3. Observation
We have practiced it through Samuels’s example characters.
In the second chapter we practices a peer coaching skill. We were grouped into 4 and tasked to prepare for a peer teaching invarious hindrance in adult learning. My group tasked to share “Age” as an important factor in  learning.

I have been doing peer coaching in various classes in my workplace. However I realized the pitfalls of my way of doing after this fruitful day with Dr Yin learning a systematic way of doing it.