Friday, August 9, 2013

Incorporate Kolb's Experiential Learning theory with Gagne's 9 events

I was conducting lectures and practical training sessions all the way since last few years. Unknowingly I have done some sort of experiential learning in my sessions. However applying various learning theories deliberately was not something familiar to me. I am going to try Gagne’s 9 events model incorporate with Kolbs Experiential Learning in my next FAL module. 

As per lesson learned from Dr Yin is while applying EL in training session, must do 3 events first ie; Gaining attention, Inform learning Outcome and Recapping prior learning before EL cycle: Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualisation and Active Experimentation.
Towards consolidation, consider events 8 and 9 ie; Assess learning and Enhance Retention.
I would consider this change in my mind as an important milestone in my learning and training journey.

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